St Andrew’s Anglican College

By ‘letting the sunshine in’ we let the Sunshine Coast into our hearts to engage, assist and learn from the people around us. This sense of connection and community helps sustain our mental health, mindfulness and sense of understanding and appreciation for our world. Therefore, the work utilises 
recyclable, sustainable materials to lessen the impact it will have on our local and global environment. As members of a community, we should let the sunshine into our lives and work together as groups to do the best possible for our little corner of the world and the people in it. 

This installation has been proudly designed by the team at St Andrew’s Anglican College

Leaders: Ben Hedstrom, Jane Karnowski, Amanda Thomson
Students: Jade Antonucci, Ruby Antonucci, Maize Charles, Mia Kane, Ffion Perkins, Ava Veimo 

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